Mathematics is a creative, connected and experimental discipline which helps us to see the world in new ways. We want all pupils at Christ Church to experience the beauty and power of mathematics and to develop a sense of ‘awe and wonder’ at its relevance to the world around them. We believe all children can achieve in mathematics and we promote positive mathematical mind-set attitudes alongside knowledge. We teach for a secure, deep and connected understanding of concepts and provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems.
We aim for all pupils to:
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry to develop and present a justification, argument or poof using mathematical language.
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, so that they develop conceptual as well as procedural understanding, and have the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of contents with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and real-life scenarios
We achieve this through a focus on:
- A mastery lesson structure which allows for all learners to move together through content, flexibly accessing support or challenge as needed.
- Immediate support that is available for slower attaining pupils. This is provided in class using flexible groupings of adults and children that is informed by continuous assessment and supported by out-of-class intervention where necessary.
- All learners having the daily opportunity to access deep and challenging content, including reasoning tasks based on misconceptions and application of their learning to new contexts.
- An environment where mathematical vocabulary is woven into the fabric of the learning and visible in the environment. Children are able to use mathematical vocabulary to discuss and reason about concepts using appropriately challenging verbal and written scaffolding.
- An assessment system which fully informs teachers about the learning that is taking place in their classroom. This includes an entry and exit assessment task designed to highlight prior knowledge in order that those pupils who need to be are challenged in their learning quickly and deeply. At the end of each year, robust formative assessment models are applied in order to track attainment and progress, which are submitted to SLT and the maths lead.
- Daily arithmetic sessions designed to consolidate prior learning and encourage automaticity and fluency in number, including mental and written methods.
- A CPA approach, in which manipulatives and varied representations are carefully chosen and used every lesson to reveal the underlying structure of the mathematics
Pupils at Christ Church are:
- Confident and capable mathematicians with fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills which build throughout the school.
- Enthusiastic and interested in mathematics. Prepared to take risks and try new things in order to succeed.
Staff at Christ Church are:
- Committed to continuously revising their subject knowledge and developing maths pedagogy in order to be supportive and understanding maths teachers who want the best for every child