4LC is a proactive and cheerful class, who are welcoming and make friends with everyone. We show each other respect and kindness by listening to our classmates and teachers and valuing each other’s opinions and differences. We love learning, especially when it is active and creative and we enjoy having opportunities to do drama so that we can be expressive. As a class we are good at working together, always trying our best even when the learning is difficult and using our imagination. We are looking forward to having an amazing time in Year 4!
We are 4KC and we are kind, always up for a challenge and fun but also hardworking. We can’t wait explore our new topics throughout the year and go on exciting new school trips. We want our classroom to be an amazing place where everyone can do their best learning so we will work together to achieve this! We have a positive attitude towards our learning and we use our class mantra to always encourage everyone to do their very best, “It's okay not to know, but it's NOT okay not to try!” Watch this space for updates on our adventure through Year 4 this year…